Cell : 944 045 4842
Office : 703 680 1052
Email : goudmarriage@gmail.com

Terms & Conditions
- Registration fee is Not Refundable and Not Transferable under any circumstances.
- Marriage Bureau is Not Responsible for Brides or Grooms information about Date of Birth,Family,Job, Qualification, Salary, Property, Health etc.
- Marriage Bureau is Not responsible for any Disputes before and After marriage.
- Marriage Bureau will give you Brides/Grooms Information only, Marriage Bureau will not give guarantee of settlement of Marriage.
- Paid Members can use our services Maximum One Year Only.
- Marriage Bureau will not involve or encourage or negotiate any financial disputes between both parties Brides/Grooms or families.
- If 2nd marriage Brides/Grooms must submit copy of Divorce Given by the Honorable Court, incase of Widows members should submit Death Copy Of their spouses.
- If the settlement of Marriage (yours)outside Marriage Bureau the member should be responsible to inform us the same and immediately get back their Photo within 15 Days. After that Marriage Bureau will destroy the Photo's
- Goud's Marriage Bureau will Reserves the right to refuse any application For Registration or Terminate existing profile if the information given by brides/grooms if False & if they are misusing the information Given by Marriage Bureau ,all the legal problems of Goud's Marriage Bureau ,has been registered under A.P Societies Registration Act In Hyderabad and hence any disputes arises regarding the Goud's Marriage Bureau and the Cases will be filed with in the Hyderabad Jurisdiction Only.
- I am agreeing all the terms and conditions given by Marriage Bureau